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衡阳菲罗艺术涂料-极 简流动的诗性

时间: 2024-01-11 17:20:59来源: 湖南省菲罗环保科技有限公司

      菲罗使用涂料的生活色彩与个性,诠释了我们每个人独 特的内心世界。雍容,如同华贵的光辉,让人敬畏;简约,则是时尚的代名词,引 领潮流;而质朴,更是一种难得的张扬,让人感叹生活的本真。
这套150㎡的极 简公寓,在质朴中展现恰到好处的宁静。

      In the long journey of life, there is one place where we can slow down, and that is home. It is not only our safe haven, but also a supply station for our souls. In this home, every corner is filled with anticipation and comfort, as if telling the beauty of life.

      The owner of this residence is a young couple who love simple and comfortable living. Their ideal home lacks excessive decoration, complex shapes, and everything is so clean and tidy. Here, the boundaries between inner and outer spaces are broken, and the sense of freedom and breathing in the home is redefined.

      走进这个家,艺术涂料光线与清风自在交流。独 特的空间布局激发了居者的探索欲望,让每个区域都充满了神秘和趣味性。而这种灵动的气息,与空间、居住者共同营造出一种温暖而舒适的氛围。
      Entering this home, the light and breeze exchange freely. The unique spatial layout stimulates the desire of residents to explore, making each area full of mystery and fun. And this lively atmosphere, together with the space and residents, creates a warm and comfortable atmosphere. 

      Whether it is the subtle changes in light and shadow, or the moments when the breeze blows, they all blend into every corner of the home and every resident, interpreting the beauty and warmth of life together.

      In the peaceful and introverted gray tone, the space exudes a non flamboyant harmony. This calm tone, like a narrator, slowly conveys the background color of elegant life. The space design is simple but not simple, with just the right amount of blank space, giving the space infinite poetic and imaginative meaning. In such a space, residents can breathe freely and experience true comfort and freedom.

      The classic black and white tones are perfectly matched here, just like a painter using the simplest strokes to outline the soul of space.

      餐厅作为公共空间的延续,也是家人间情感交流的温馨之地,除了经典的黑白搭配外,更融入了温暖的木色调,营造出自然、温润的氛围。餐桌的独 特嵌入式设计,既简洁又富有质感。这种设计以功能为主导,同时又与餐厅紧密相连,让美食能够快速送达家人的餐桌前。
      As a continuation of public space, the restaurant is also a warm place for emotional communication between families. In addition to the classic black and white combination, it also incorporates warm wood tones, creating a natural and warm atmosphere. The unique embedded design of the dining table is both simple and textured. This design is functional and closely connected to the restaurant, allowing food to be quickly delivered to the family's dining table.

      "居住的艺术,是生活的延伸。设计师通过极 简的笔触,为我们勾勒出艺术与生活的完 美交融。在这个放松且有限的空间里,你可以从繁忙的生活中抽离,让身体与宁静的精神空间和谐共鸣。
      The art of living is an extension of life. Designers use minimalist brushstrokes to outline the perfect integration of art and life. In this relaxed and limited space, you can detach yourself from busy life, allowing your body and peaceful spiritual space to resonate harmoniously.

      The master bedroom is mainly in a creamy gray tone, creating a quiet and stable atmosphere. The warm chandelier at the head of the bed emits a warm light, illuminating the way for those returning home and guarding peace for you in your dreams. The concise cabinet design not only makes the space appear neat and spacious, but also brings an unparalleled sense of relaxation. Here, living is not only a place to rest, but also a destination for the soul.